The NPK Pedestal Breaker Systems represent a new generation of cost-effective hydraulic equipment for breaking rock faster, more efficiently and safelyMULTI-PROCESSOR
The Multi-Processor is designed in such a way that whenever the jaws meet resistance, the hydraulic booster is automatically activatedDEMOLITION GRABS
NPK demolition & dismantling grabs are versatile, 360° hydraulically rotatable, attachments manufactured from wear resistant steel alloyCONCRETE CRUSHER
Calculations show that the cycle time of a NPK booster cylinder defeats crushers with a normal cylinder or diferential cylinderCONCRETE CRUNCHER
The main advantage of the Cruncher is the standard integrated booster system, an unique feature designed by NPKX-Y-Z CONCEPT
X-Y-Z stands for relatively small attachments for all indoor removing, cutting and crushing activities