ZKE Directors Covid

ZKE & Covid-19 


Following strict protocols, ZKE manages the corona virus.

@ The Workshop, a Covid-19 notice board & testing table is provided at the entrance to the building……..


ZKE Staff:

  • have been issued with branded ZKE masks and are required to wear them at all times.  Specialised protective masks are available for welding and stripping tasks,
  • are required to social distance at 1.5m,
  • have been provided with thermal thermometers and sanitising pads to be used at home before coming to work. All staff are tested on arrival at work; their temperature recorded and further tested 3 times per 8-hour shift.

All visitors to the Workshop:

  • are required to sanitise & be tested before entering the premises,
  • must provide contact details to ensure proper track & trace procedures, should this be necessary,
  • must wear face masks & practice social distancing of 1.5m at all times.

Electronic meetings / communications is the preferred method of customer connection, however, ZKE staff are required to travel as part of a days work (deliveries & collections of equipment, on-site general business meetings) & so must adhere to the following protocols:

  • Carry a letter of movement issued at Level 3 of Lockdown,
  • Carry a personal sanitiser,
  • Wear their personal branded face masks at all times.

ZKE employees who are travelling to customer premises must travel alone (one person / vehicle at any given time) and are required to follow customer Covid-19 protocols.  Staff must be sanitised on return to the Workshop.

Currently, administration staff that are able to work from home are instructed to continue to do so until further notification.